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  • Foto do escritorManuela

Never stop dreaming

Can you imagine how excited I was when I went to the shop at Indigo and saw this book on the table? I'm so proud of had illustrated the cover of this amazing book and seeing it in my fav bookstore was a blast.

My godmother is an artist, and when I was a child, she had illustrated several books. Every new book she brought home worked as coins for my piggy bank of dreams.  I dreamed of being an artist and in illustrating books like her.

Unfortunately, real adult life had driven me away from this dream. I have graduated in graphic design, which I love as well, but to pay the bills, I've worked in agencies where I was most valued in my design technics then in my artistic skills.

So, my illustration was put in a locked box, and I just opened this year, almost turning 40th and living abroad... but this is another story that I'll tell you further.

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